If you are investing in buy to let you’ll be surprised how, over time you collect lots of extra bits and pieces and having somewhere to keep them will be a real bonus.
This is especially the case if you are living some distance from the property and need to store things like cleaning equipment, any spare items such as bins, appliances or have decided to let it out furnished, so need space for any furniture.
Whether you let a property furnished or unfurnished, it is vital to make sure you have certain things ‘to hand’ as an investor. These include items to store such as cleaning equipment but also anything like spare paint, tiles, curtains, blinds, bins, lamps, lampshades or light bulbs. It’s easy to forget what you have decorated and put in the home, so its worthwhile keeping some extras in case anything goes wrong or you need to re-decorate once a tenant has moved out and before you let the property again. | XXX | |
XXX | When choosing your storage, you need to make sure it is cost effective, but equally important you can access your belongings at any time of day or night. Finally, it is essential to check what security systems they have. You don’t want to have to make a special claim on your insurance, so make sure if anything happens while you are storing your belongings, you can claim on the storage company’s insurance rather than yours!
And, if you do pay for storage facilities, don’t forget you can claim any expenses from your rental income, so anything you pay |
To find out more about the benefits of storage for buy to let investors and for a great offer from Big Yellow, sign up as a member and download our FREE Buy to Let Storage Checklist
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