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And because we believe the more you know about property and money, the more likely you are to make the right decisions for you, we’ve teamed up with some fantastic magazines to get you started.
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First Time Buyer - (worth £2.95) |
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Still need more convincing?
Here’s what current members say about us:-
Mr DT says:"I first saw Kate doing a presentation after the 2008 recession at Excel, I think it was either 2009 or 2010, I hadn’t bought my first property yet and I was just thinking of becoming a property investor. There were so many stories within the media about what was happening in the property market and at that time everybody turned into a specialist Economic advisor. However, Kate’s presentation was slightly different and just seemed to resonate with me. What she was saying is that the property market is going up in some areas, going down in some areas and staying flat in some areas and backed it up with comprehensive research and simply said that house prices are at a street level, it just seemed so true and obvious.
"So between that presentation in 2009/ 2010 and this year (2015) I have managed to invest in 2 properties but got a little stuck as to what to do next. I remembered Kate’s name after all of those years and did a Google search for her and found out Kate was still involved in the property industry. Not only that but Kate was going to be at the First Time Buyer show in North London so I arranged a meeting with her but only got 30 minutes of her time. Within that 30 minutes I received some great advice which I am following up on and will have another meeting with Kate (if she accepts), about further actions and executing my plan. I will be making sure I attend more of Kate’s seminars and presentations in the future as she has great knowledge on residential property and have registered with her website to receive her newsletters just so I keep on thinking and learning about residential property, I highly recommend it."
NT says: "I would like to thank you immensely for your advice that helped me pull out of a purchase. I was buying a flat which appeared to be a good deal. Before the deal went through I met you in Ashford at one of the landlord investment shows. After a brief description of my situation you suggested a series of questions to get my solicitor to enquire on my behalf. Lo and behold these enquiries unearthed lots of underlying problems which resulted in me pulling out of the deal and saving myself a lot of money and uncertainties.
"I'll like to thank you very much for your help. I am always reading your Property Checklists which I find so invaluable. Keep on with the good work"
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