publication date: Sep 27, 2013
author/source: Kate Faulkner, Property Expert and Author of Which? Property Books
Complaints Procedure Against a Property Company
Unfortunately many people end up working with a property company they haven’t checked out properly before engaging their services. Or worst still, when a property company messes up, their reputation is so bad, people think there is no point in complaining. However, if you don’t, then lots more people are likely to suffer and you might be missing out on compensation you deserve.
Here’s my five suggested steps to making a complaint against a residential property company:-
Step One: What is it you are unhappy about?
To help a company understand what it has done wrong – make sure you put it in writing and send by recorded delivery if posted, or a read receipt for email. Explain what you expected or had agreed for them to do, provide any written evidence, texts or dates of phone calls to back this up, and then what in your view, you feel they have and haven’t done.
Step Two: Always say what you want to happen
Most people are great at complaining, but forget to say ‘and as a result, I’d like you to….’. Is it an apology you want? Is it financial compensation or just whatever they have done wrong put right at their cost?
Step Three: Check what to do if you are not satisfied with their answer or complaint handling
If the person you are dealing with doesn’t do what you wanted or ignores your complaint – who can you go to? Are they the boss of the company or could you go higher? If so, then take it as high as you can. Always send complaints by recorded delivery to top brass and ideally in a letter format. Tiresome it may be, but these days it will actually stand out.
Step Four: Do they belong to a trade body or third party organisation you can complain to?
Most of the good companies in the property industry belong to an organisation which will handle your complaint for free if the company doesn’t do what you think is fair. Estate agents by law have to belong to a redress scheme, as do gas engineers, glazing experts and electricians. If your company doesn’t have to belong to a body, it may still do so and there are hundreds from roofers to painters and decorators and inventory clerks, as well as letting agents.
Ideally, never choose a property company without a third party complaints procedure.
Check their procedure for complaints and follow it to the letter providing evidence they haven’t dealt with your complaint to your satisfaction and what you would like done about it.
Step Five: Report companies who don’t treat you fairly
It is essential not to let bad practice go unnoticed or unheard. Make sure if a company has treated you badly and isn’t sorting out your complaint you find out what other measures you can take. For claims under £10,000 for example, you can go to the Small Claims Court – and often the threat of this will make even the hardened companies treat you with more care.
In addition, speak to Citizens Advice and if relevant, report the company to the Office of Fair Trading.