Dee is an incredible ambassador for change. She is passionate about getting pets accepted in rented accommodation, whether the landlord is the council, housing association, a freeholder or private landlord.
She has calmly, patiently and tenaciously worked with Maidstone Borough Council to make a real difference in here local area.
What Dee now needs is for every council in England to adopt The John Chadwick Pet Policy introduced by Maidstone Borough Council.
Press to date
Dee has had tremendous support from the media and is an excellent person to interview if you have any articles on renting with pets. To contact Dee, please click here.
BBC South East
Homeless Innovations:
Emerging Proud:
Help me to get more pet friendly rented properties across England!
PLEASE SIGN MY PETITION TO GET all councils in England to adopt Maidstone Borough Council's New Pet Policy for Emergency Accommodation: