Don't try to save cash at the expense of your safety. Electric works to your home are best left to the professionals and in this article I suggest how best to choose your electrician.
Having botched electrics in your home can be very dangerous, causing severe injury and even death. In this article, with the help of NAPIT, I suggest how best to go about those electrical chores that you've been putting off until the summer.
Every month we do summary of the various rental indices to help you understand what’s really happening to rents both nationally and at a regional level. In this article we look at the rental market for May 2014.
In our rental summary, we track what’s happening to demand and supply as well as returns for landlords – this helps you know whether rents can go up or need to be kept competitive. Here I look at what's been happening in the past month.
Are you looking to rent or let a room, but think you can only do so in run down areas? Well, think again! Plenty of landlords are renting high quality rooms for not much more than those of lesser quality. In this article I look at how and why this is the case.