Don't try to save cash at the expense of your safety. Electric works to your home are best left to the professionals and in this article I suggest how best to choose your electrician.
Having botched electrics in your home can be very dangerous, causing severe injury and even death. In this article, with the help of NAPIT, I suggest how best to go about those electrical chores that you've been putting off until the summer.
Shared ownership can be a great way to get on the property ladder for those who otherwise couldn't afford to. If you aren't in a relationship then buying with a friend may be the best option for you. In this article I give advice on what you need to know before buying with a friend.
The cost of a property survey will vary depending on the type of proprerty, type of survey and who the surveyor is. In this article I give some examples of survey prices and advise on what you should bee willing to pay for a survey.