Tired of paying huge energy bills?

publication date: Apr 15, 2014
author/source: Kate Faulkner, Property Expert and Author of Which? Property Books

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Kate Faulkner talks to Richard Walker about why homes built with bricks lose so much heat


When brickwork gets wet, it gets cold, which means your home gets cold. After one of the wettest winters on record through 2013/14, and with more of the same wet weather predicted in the future, we need to start thinking about how to protect our bricks and mortar".  

So why is it such an issue that the brickwork gets cold? Well part of the problem is that our government has agreed to an 80% reduction in carbon emissions from buildings by 2050.


But this isn’t easy! How am I supposed to have cavity wall insulation? I live in a 200 year old farmhouse built with massive stones which are held together, no doubt, by mud and muck!


And I’m not alone, according to the English House Condition Survey (2007) “a third of Britain’s housing stock has solid wall construction, and this is predominantly single skin brick or stone, which is difficult to insulate conventionally.”


Worst still have a read on-line about cavity wall insulation. Many people report damp problems when cavity wall insulation is poorly installed or installed into inappropriate cavity walls.


The good news is Peter Cox have a great solution!

Wet clothes won’t keep your body warm and wet masonry won’t keep your home warm. Dry bricks have twice the thermal resistance of saturated bricks and one of the quickest and easiest ways to protect brickwork from rain is a single coat application of DryWall Thermotek Masonry Protection Cream. 


DryWall Thermotek repels rain penetration and is scientifically proven to reduce heat loss in single skin masonry, providing an energy saving of up to 29%.


The one coat application will last for 20 – 30 years and better still it’s colourless cream formulation will not change the appearance of the building.  Added benefits include keeping your walls clean and protecting against unsightly moss and algae growth. However, the biggest advantage of using Drywall Thermotek is the protection it provides against rain penetration and the associated reduction in heat loss.

How to protect your home with DryWall Thermotek

Before application, any necessary remedial re-pointing should be carried out to create a crack-free surface. Once DryWall Thermotek has been applied to a dry, clean wall surface, it permeates deeply before drying to form an insulating, water-repellent barrier. 

DryWall Thermotek has been developed by carefully selected silanes and siloxanes which line the pores of the masonry to form a water-repellent silicone matrix. By lining, rather than blocking pores, the masonry is allowed to breathe. This breathable feature means you can apply DryWall Thermotek even on walls that have cavity wall insulation – without having to remove it.

And you save money – you only pay 5% VAT!

In general, masonry creams are not VAT reduced. However, years of research and development to prove heat energy savings of up to 29% mean the HMRC accepts the energy saving benefits of DryWall Thermotek therefore it qualifies for a reduced rate of 5% VAT on both the product itself and the installation.

For more information about DryWall Thermotek please call our freephone number on 0800 789 500 to speak a local branch of Peter Cox or email enquiries@petercox.com and do mention that you read about this on Propertychecklists.co.uk


For more help understanding damp in walls and floors, read Peter Cox’s Identifying and solvng rising damp checklist.


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All our information is brought to you by Kate Faulkner OBE, author of Which? Property books and one of the UK's top property experts.
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